Saturday, January 17, 2009

Make Good Money

So many people today want to know how to make good money.

But what is good money? Good money to one person may be chump change to another. Therefore, a very important thing is deciding what is good money to you.
For the sake of this article let us say good money is enough money to pay your rent/mortgage, buy food, pay for your transportation and utilities including your phone, buy some clothes, have some pocket money and some extra money to save.

You essentially want to be able to pay all of your monthly living expenses, have some entertainment and be able to sock away a bit for the future or hard times.

This certainly is not an unreasonable demand for a reasonable person. If you are willing to devote at least 8 hours a day laboring at something, at least it should support you. But the reality is that for many people this is not the reality.

It takes 2+ incomes just to barely make the bills and this is not luxury living.

How did we all get into this mess in the first place?

Who designed this scenario for us?

Some people say the Federal Reserve which is not really a government organization but an organization made to look like it belongs to government.

They say that this organization is owned and run by a handful of wealthy families who concocted this grand scheme to enslave America and Americans and to ensure that they stayed wealthy.

But what is the real truth behind all of this?
When I Google Federal Reserve, at the top of the search is a site from

I diligently scour the site with the intention of finding out for real if the organization is indeed government owned, but the matter is still unclear. In any event, how is the Federal Reserve supposed to have wreaked such havoc on our society you may ask.

Proponents of this idea say it is all about the banking system in America today. The Federal Reserve governs and regulates the banks and thereby determine what they can and cannot do.If you have any consumer loans or a mortgage you may have felt the effects of how greedy lenders can make our lives sheer misery.

Today I looked at one of my credit card statements only to discover that the due date was a moving target.Three months ago I was billed on the 14th, last month on the 12 and this month on the 8th.

I realized that if this erratic billing continued that I would likely run into trouble, so I called the company to ask if they could stabilize my billing cycle, only to be told that they could not change it, this was how the system was programmed.

Now I do not know about you, but when I had a regular job I got paid 2 times a month. On the 1st and the 15th. The first check would pay my rent/mortgage and the next one would be for the other expenses.How then would I be able to meet such a moving target? When the 8th payment was due, I would not be able to meet that and I would be assessed late fees and the interest on my credit card would increase.

This is a common scenario that Americans are facing everyday and it is situations like this with the banks that cause people to be unable to meet their monthly obligations with ease over time.I am not sure if the Federal Reserve is responsible for the dilemma that many Americans are facing, but I do know that I was able to escape the trap of a salary when I learned to market on the internet and thereby create a substantial self-generated income.

If you are having concerns about your earnings you may want to look for opportunities where you too can learn how to make good money before the need arises.

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